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What Executives Can Learn About AI From Facebook

Managing Complexity – April 21, 2018

When people break into banks, they don’t tend to deposit money. Which explains why JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo spend billions of dollars each year on artificial intelligence, physical security and cybersecurity to prevent financial and identity theft.

When Cambridge Analytica compromised 87 million Facebook users’ data, they deposited millions of dollars into Facebook’s bank account. Which may explain why Facebooks’ massive, world-class team of Artificial Intelligence professionals in Building 20 were not working to prevent bad actors from purchasing ads and stimulating users emotions with sensational material (a.k.a. click-bait).

Cambridge Analytica claims they have 5,000 data points on American voters. They leveraged Facebook’s artificial intelligence powered capability that predicts how each of their two billion users will behave, think and purchase. Yes, if you are a Facebook user, they may be able to predict your future behavior better than you. See more.