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I learned that to achieve something meaningful, we must manage complexity. Yet we’re not taught this in school. So I wrote Make Almost Anything Happen to explain how successful scientists, leaders and entrepreneurs manage the complexity of many knowns, unknowns and uncertainties.    

I’ve spent over 25 years in trenches learning how to manage complexity to acheive large complex goals. The secret was taking the time to get to know the impacting people, build trust, and understand their challenges and goals. My teachers were the thousands of executives, industry leaders, managers, supervisors and front-line workers who could decide or influence my fate. It was essential in addressing the complexity of many impacting elements (people, communities and realities) that think, operate, and interact in certain and uncertain ways.

I am a health care strategist, entrepreneur, computer engineer, parent, author and a life-long learner of how to manage complexity in national defense, healthcare and my personal life.

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